Polska Filharmonia Balycka

Polska Filharmonia Bałtycka

Gdansk, Poland




Scope of works:

Concept and Design of upgrading the Overstage Machinery Systems;


Polska Filharmonia Bałtycka im. Fryderyka Chopina w Gdansku, Gdansk, Poland


The Polish Baltic Philharmonic of Gdánsk is the home the Baltic Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra which is among the best symphonic orchestras in Poland. The building, originally constructed as heating station at the end of the 19th century, is situated on the island of Ołowianka in the heart of the city of Gdansk. The building is connected to the Royal Granary which was built in 1606; together they form the music convention centre of Gdánsk. The big concert hall has an audience capacity of 1100 seats.


The Overstage Machinery Systems were upgraded to provide more flexibility.





& Engineers